Article Index

Current Bug & Potential Feature List

Features Implemented and Bugs Fixed


ID Version Priority Kind Title Component
7 1.04 Critical Enhancement Abort Actions Action
11 1.04 Critical Enhancement On Hit Wonder Combat Options
40 1.04 Major Enhancement Delete character from combat record File Management
39 1.04 Minor Enhancement Ability to set a character as dead or incapacitated from Attack Dialogs Attack Dialog
12 1.04 Major Enhancement Add additional characters to a combat File Management
20 1.04 Major Enhancement Knockback Attack Type
4 1.04 Trivial Bug Stun Label on Attack Tab should change based on type of attack Display
13 1.04 Minor Bug Combat Skill Levels - Display the actual 'name' Attack Dialog
1 1.04 Major Bug Penetrating Killing Attack is wrong when damage has +1 Attack Advantages
5 1.04 Minor Bug Entangle Options disappear when moving between tab 2 & 3 Attack Dialog
69 1.05 Major Enhancement Multiple Attack Option on Attack Tab Attack Dialog
45 1.05 Major Enhancement Read and Save detailed Martial Art Information Characteristic
47 1.05 Major Enhancement Read and Save detailed Powers information - Specifically Attack Characteristic
28 1.05 Critical Enhancement Attack Dialog Tab Order change Attack Dialog
54 1.05 Critical Enhancement Compound Powers are not being handled yet Power Management
68 1.05 Major Enhancement Incapacitated Characters not on target list Attack Dialog
65 1.05 Major Enhancement Allow for Combat Skill Levels to be selected Characteristic
67 1.05 Major Enhancement Damage Resistance - Once set should stay set until GM changes it Combat Processing
55 1.05 Major Enhancement Combat Skill Levels that are selectable Characteristic
21 1.05 Minor Enhancement Effects Tables need to be accessable from the Attack Dialog Help
70 1.05 Major Enhancement Grey out Multiple Attack AoE Option from Combat Input tab Attack Dialog
58 1.05 Major Bug Knockback Distance Calculation Bug Damage
66 1.05 Critical Bug Hold Issues Held Actions
46 1.05 Critical Bug When adding characters all the other characters are 'reset' to an original state File Management
42 1.05 Major Bug 'Stepping' thru hold characters causes them to be missed Action
53 1.05 Critical Bug Selected Attack is AoE but Target List doesn't allow for multiple selections Power Management
52 1.05 Minor Bug Update the version label Help
51 1.05 Major Bug Entangle PD/ED is not being 'populated' Attack Input Panel Attack Dialog
50 1.05 Major Bug Stun and Body are cleared after being entered on Attack Input tab and then go a different tab Damage
49 1.05 Major Bug Attack Advantages on Attack Input tab disappear when going from screen to screen Attack Advantages
64 1.05 Critical Bug Ukta's Multipower isn't showing all his powers Power Management
63 1.05 Critical Bug STR Attacks don't seem to work when selected Attack Dialog
62 1.05 Blocker Bug GM Attack doesn't work GM Attack
61 1.05 Critical Bug Drain w/ Alternate Combat Value and Attack Versus Alternate Defense didn't select Drain Action
59 1.05 Critical Bug Entangled Character trying to break free but app hung up Attack Dialog
60 1.05 Major Bug Save file doesn't save the current state of the characters null
56 1.05 Critical Bug Attack Input screen is mostly not visible w/ STR Attack or no attack Attack Dialog
74 1.06 Critical Bug Hand to Hand Attack Damage not calculated correctly Power Management
6 1.07 Critical Enhancement Hit Locations Combat Options
82 1.07 Critical Enhancement Hit Locations - Randomly rolled Combat Options
9 1.07 Critical Enhancement Target List: Alphabetical would be best Display
71 1.07 Critical Enhancement Replace Character List Character Data Structure
87 1.07 Blocker Bug GM Attack - An attack does not show up in main window and then the processing stops GM Attack
44 1.07 Major Bug Updates using GM Adjust causes 'screen bounce' GM Adjust
86 1.07 Blocker Bug When Damage Reduction is selected no damage is applied Damage
84 1.07 Critical Bug Aid/Drain adjustments on GM Attack screen don't display in Combat Table until next phase GM Attack
81 1.07 Critical Bug Creating squads of NPCs stopped working Character Data Structure
80 1.07 Critical Bug AoE problems occur when target list only has one target Combat Processing
85 1.07 Critical Bug Flash stopped working null
78 1.07 Major Bug Reflection shows up as a nd6 attack which it shouldn't null
79 1.07 Critical Bug NND attack doesn't seem to work Attack Advantages
73 1.07 Critical Bug Strength Damage is not calculated correctly Characteristic
77 1.07 Major Bug Needed to remove "Strength as a power" from the export file Technical
83 1.07 Critical Bug Random order (within a DEX) was not working after changes to the new Characters data structure Character Data Structure
15 1.07 Major Bug Minimum Damage from Injuries Damage
72 1.07 Minor Bug Error message when the is a problem loading a combat record File Management

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